Here you'll find key terms to know when you're getting started on NFL ALL DAY.

NFL ALL DAY “Moments” are video collectibles featuring the NFL’s best highlights – each one features an epic play or performance from around the league. In addition to the highlight, every Moment includes a host of information and visuals regarding the game and the player involved. Each different serial number of a particular play is a unique NFT for fans to own.
Buy your first Moment now on the marketplace!

Just like many traditional collectibles and trading cards, NFL ALL DAY Moments are typically released to fans in packs. When you get a pack, you don’t know which Moments will be inside – though they’ll usually come from a certain list of players and highlights associated with the pack you purchase (i.e. the Super Wild Card Weekend pack featured Moments from Super Wild Card Weekend action).

Pack Drop
Similar to a drop of the latest sneakers or exclusive designer merch, pack drops are scheduled times at which NFL ALL DAY packs go on sale. Each one is announced in advance so fans can plan to attend. Starting an hour beforehand (typically), fans can join the waiting room. Once the drop starts, all fans in the waiting room are given a randomized spot in the queue. If your turn comes up before all the packs are sold out, you’ll have a chance to purchase a pack!

The marketplace is your destination whenever you’re looking to add a Moment to your collection. It’s a peer-to-peer always-on hub where NFL ALL DAY fans can buy and sell Moments between each other (every Moment you find in the marketplace is listed by another collector, not by NFL ALL DAY). Shopping the marketplace gives you total control over which Moments you add to your collection – and there are always deals to be had on the NFL’s top stars!
Buy your first Moment now on the marketplace!

Challenges are ways to utilize your collection to earn rewards. Every Challenge is a little bit different, but the general idea is to collect and own specific Moments to earn prizes, such as exclusive Reward packs.
Check out the Challenges available right now!